Quite Possibly The Easiest Way To Buy A Car
Quite Possibly The Easiest
Way To Buy A Car
TrueCar makes car buying super easy, but it does so in some sort of complicated ways. Also, legally speaking, they can't make any claims whatsoever.
To hammer home how easy TrueCar makes car buying, we came up with a non-claim of a line that leaves a pretty clear impression: Quite possibly the easiest way to buy a car. Then we used a lawyer as a spokesperson to clarify that, while buying a car with TrueCar is definitely easy, it's not necessarily the easiest.
The takeaway? Buying a car with TrueCar is super easy.

*While buying a car with TrueCar is definitely easy, it’s not necessarily as easy as stealing candy from a baby. Babies lack any real defense mechanisms or motor skills, ergo stealing anything from them requires minimal effort. What’s more, the phrase ‘stealing candy from a baby’ is only an idiom that is not meant to be taken literally. Stealing, from a baby or anyone else, is most definitely against the law. Although when you think about it, babies probably shouldn’t be eating candy in the first place. It’s bad for their teeth, and it’s a choking hazard. In that sense, stealing candy from a baby could be considered morally right, even if it is undeniably illegal. Buying a car with TrueCar, on the other hand, is both moral and legal. A win-win, if you will.